Hip Pain Treatment without surgery

Non-Surgical Hip Pain Treatment in Ahmedabad

One of the main weight-bearing joints in the body is the hip. The hip sacrifices the degree of motion for greater stability, unlike the elbow. A complicated network of bones, cartilage, muscles, ligaments and tendons must all function in unison to keep it going smoothly. Explains Dr. Pranjel Pipara the best ACL Surgeon/Orthopedic Surgeon in Gujarat,India
The hip is a joint of the ball and socket where the femur’s head articulates with the pelvic bone’s cuplike acetabulum. The acetabulum fits securely around the femur’s head. Usually, the ball is retained in the socket by very tight ligaments that form a full sleeve around the joint (the joint capsule). There is a delicate lining on the capsule (the synovium). Explains Dr. Pranjel Pipara the best ACL Surgeon/Orthopedic Surgeon in Gujarat,India
A layer of smooth cartilage, which is a very soft white material, protects the head of the femur. The socket is lined with cartilage as well. This cartilage cushions the joint and causes very little pressure for the bones to pass on each other. Explains Dr. Pranjel Pipara the best ACL Surgeon/Orthopedic Surgeon in Gujarat, India.As the cartilage does not appear on x-rays, an x-ray of the hip joint typically reveals a “space” between the ball and the socket.

What Are The Signs And Symptoms That Could Be Associated With Hip Pain?

Hip pain-related symptoms are dependent on the cause. Symptoms include symptoms
Some other variables fluctuating the cost of India’s ACL Reconstruction are:
Symptoms range from mild to extreme in severity. A source of disability may be hip pain
ACL Surgeon in india

What We Treat

Hip Joint Arthritis

The word arthritis simply implies joint inflammation, but is commonly used to describe any condition in which cartilage damage occurs.

Total Replacement Hip (THR)

The Complete Hip Replacement (THR) operation replaces an artificial implant (prosthesis) with all or part of the hip joint to restore joint mobility. Learn more about Absolute Hip Replacement click here

What Are The Causes Of Hip Pain ?

There are many sources of pain associated with the hip joint. Explains Dr. Pranjel Pipara the best ACL Surgeon/Orthopedic Surgeon in Gujarat,India, Some hip pain is acute, whereas other pain in the hip may be chronic or long-standing. Arthritis, inflammatory and non-inflammatory arthritis, fracture, sprain, autoimmune arthritis, avascular necrosis, Gaucher’s disease, sciatica, muscle strain, syndrome of the iliotibial band (IT band syndrome), and hematoma are hip pain causes and treatment in ahmedabad